Early Learning and Child Care
About Me
Early Learning and Child Care

This blog is aimed at any parent who is looking for advice about child care and early learning. I do not work in this industry. My name is Keira, and I am just another loving parent who wants the best for her child. When my child was 2 years old, I decided to return to work. This was the beginning of my search for child care. Over the next couple of months, I learnt lots of useful things from other mothers and those who work in the industry. I hope this blog helps you to make the right choice when it comes to child care.


Early Learning and Child Care

Should You Let Your Child Choose Their Own Clothes for Preschool?

Lesa Miller

When the time comes to enrol your child in preschool, you may have mixed emotions. While there is the excitement of your child gaining some independence while also getting prepared for formal school, you may also feel a bit of trepidation for letting your child go about their entire day without you. So you may be thinking about how best you can make this transition easier for your child.

One of the simplest ways of doing so is letting them choose what they want to wear each day of preschool. You may be hesitant to do this since you are bound to encounter bizarre outfits but allowing them this freedom does reap several benefits. Below is a brief list of reasons why you should let your child choose their own clothes for preschool.

It nurtures your child's independence

No matter how much parents want their toddlers to be dependent on them, your child is bound to grow and form their own individual personality. Furthermore, the more time spent away from you, the more responsibilities that your child is expected to take on. While choosing your own clothes may seem like one of the minor decisions you can make during your day, it is a massive amount of responsibility for your child.

And when you trust them to choose their own clothes, they get to feel like they have some form of independence since they can make a decision about something that concerns them. Additionally, when your child starts to pick their own outfit each day, it is only a matter of time before they gain interest is dressing themselves, too.

It nurtures their confidence

Confidence is essential for all children. Take note, confidence does not mean that your child has to be an extrovert. Confidence means that your child believes in his self or herself and can be assertive about their opinion. When your child is confident, they will find it easier to socialise and this characteristic can be a key to their success in the future.

When you task your child with something that they will be wholly responsible for, it lends them a sense of purpose. Additionally, since they have a task that is just their own, their confidence is nurtured because they feel that you trust them to carry out the responsibility. By allowing your toddler to pick whatever they want to wear for school, they will steadily become confident in the choices that they make in their overall life.
